There were many people who contributed toward the making of this album, mostly through Kickstarter. We appreciate your generosity!
Super-Extra-Special Thanks to:
George and Florence Heitler
Esther and Jim Heitler
Jay and MeLinda Tatum Kaiser
Samuel Chase and Jane Wattenberg
Ed and Deb Klevans
Nancy Schimmel, Sisters’ Choice
Steve and Danette Wineberg
Jo Durand
Dave Kinnoin
Judy Klevans
Larry and Carol Klevans
Tom and Linda London
Carol Lorber
Ruth Pelham
Philip Posner
Sandra and Marvin Rosen
Janet and Mark Schreiner
Benjamin, Felix, Goetz Veser & Beth Snitz
Marty Von Rosenstiel
Judy and Ken Weinstein
Extra-Special Thanks to:
Pam Albright and Randy Libros
Beth & Scott Bierko
Roxanne and Ernie Bouey
Michael D. Carr
Susan DeJarnatt and Peter Schneider
Sandra and Scott Donover
Eagle Family
Judy, David, Sam, and Abby Ehrenstein
Jeff Eisenberg
CJ Fitts
Judy Fredericksen
Andrea Green
Kat Green
Jay Greenblatt
Dick & Tamar
Josh and Claudia Heitler
Billy Jonas
Barry Madore (Fire on the Bluff)
Frank Mauceri and Madeleine Msall
Peter Moses
Brad Mossman
Bruce and Linda Pollack-Johnson
Andrew & Rebecca Reumann-Moore
Anne Rose
Ann & Manny Schreiber
Janet Sclaroff
Ivan and Judie Sherick
Barb and David Tilsen
The Uncle Devin Show
Elaine Wasekanes & Family
Special Thanks to:
Marlene & Larry Angert
Sharon and Marc Blecher
Debbie Block
David and Laura Brown
Paul Butler
Jennifer Clement
Greg Crowther
Cara Diaconoff
Katherine Dines, Hunk-Ta-Bunk-Ta Music
Margot and Jim Filippini
Louise Golub
Ken Greenblatt
The Hathaway Family
Henry, Bruna and Giada
Sallie Kalick
Paul Kaplan
Talbot Katz
Cathy Kellerman
Faith Koons
Josh Levy
Marla Lewis
Janice Lieberman
Charlie & Gina Miller
Marcy Morgan
art miron
Mara Natkins
Tina Nawrocki
Sonny Ochs
Dori and Gary Persinotti
Jenn Raison & Family
Laura Richlin and Hap Haven
Katherine Rondeau
Marilyn & Brian Rothberg and Lily
Mara Sapon
Jean Schroeder & Scot Kuo
Marilyn K Scott
Jonathan Segol
Betsey & Arty Selkowitz
Jane Shaeffer
Tanya Shaffer
Patricia Shih and Stephen Fricker
Songs for Teaching
Stuart Stotts
Susie Tanenbaum
Jenny Thompson
Deborah Van Kleef
Michael Zimmerman
Debbie Bernstein and David Toub
James Coffey
Jason Didner and the Jungle Gym Jam
Roxanne & Tim Dixon
Monty Harper
Kira Hastings
Lisa Heintz, Little Songbird: Songs for Learning
Leslie and Michael Leff
Rob Lincoln
Carolyn Malconian
Evan R M Mulvaney
Jay Sand
Judy Schatz
Arun Shenoy
Nancy Silber
Silly Goose & Val Smalkin
Lisa Sniderman/Aoede
Clark Wolf