I Like a Good Story
Credit: music and original words by Jenny & David Heitler-Klevans, (c) 2003
additional lyrics by students in Colonial School District, DE
additional lyrics by students in Colonial School District, DE
Album: So Many Ways To Be Smart
Lyrics: We wrote this song to focus on the
concept of "plot". Students in New Castle, DE came up with lots
of new verses about their favorite stories during an artist
residency. See below for additional verses by us and various
students, not included on the CD!
I like a good story - I like it a lot.
The things that happen make up the plot.
I like a good story - it’s really a blast.
I like a good story, from the first page to the last.
Like those three little bears,
Who went walking in the woods.
Then Goldilocks came over,
And damaged their goods.
She ate all their porridge
And broke some of their chairs;
She was sleeping in the bed,
When those bears came upstairs. (Chorus)
(Verse 2 by Colwyck School, Kdg.-2nd Grades)
One day, a boy named Jack
He got some magic beans.
They grew right to the clouds,
The stalk was shiny green.
He met a mean giant
And stole some of his gold.
He chopped down the beanstalk;
Jack was brave and bold. (Chorus)
(Verse 3 by McCullough School, 2nd Grade)
There was a boy named Stanley
Who went to Camp Green Lake.
He had to dig holes
And he needed a break.
Stanley found some treasure
That was buried in the hole.
His name was on the chest
And inside was some gold. (Chorus)
(Verse 4 by Colwyck School, 2nd Grade, Room 11)
I do not like
To eat green eggs and ham.
I do not want to try them,
I tell you, Sam-I-Am.
I do not like them here,
I do not like them there - Wait!
I tried them and they’re good,
So I’ll eat them anywhere! (Chorus)
(Additional verses:)
There was a pretty princess,
who was named Elizabeth.
A dragon burned her clothes,
with his hot and fiery breath.
She outsmarted the dragon,
wearing just a paper bag.
She rescued the prince,
but he turned out to be a drag.
There was a boy named Eragon,
who found a magic stone.
It turned out to be an egg,
of a dragon, all his own.
He learned to ride the dragon
Saphira was her name.
They had lots of adventures,
and nothing was the same.
(by East Millsboro 1st graders)
The Little Read Hen
had a taste for homemade bread.
She asked her friends to help;
"Not I!" is what they said.
She did the work herself,
and when the bread was done
Her friends came 'round to eat,
but she told them "you get none!"
(by Waring School 1st graders)
There was a Rainbow Fish,
who had some shiny scales.
He didn't want to share
with the fish or with the whales.
He went to the octopus,
who told him he should share.
He made lots of friends,
because he was fair.
(by Waring School 2nd graders)
Once there was a girl
named Little Red Riding Hood.
She met a sneaky wolf
when she was walking through the woods.
The wolf ate up her grandma,
and dressed up in her clothes.
She knew something was strange,
when the wolf poked out his nose.
I like a good story - I like it a lot.
The things that happen make up the plot.
I like a good story - it’s really a blast.
I like a good story, from the first page to the last.
Like those three little bears,
Who went walking in the woods.
Then Goldilocks came over,
And damaged their goods.
She ate all their porridge
And broke some of their chairs;
She was sleeping in the bed,
When those bears came upstairs. (Chorus)
(Verse 2 by Colwyck School, Kdg.-2nd Grades)
One day, a boy named Jack
He got some magic beans.
They grew right to the clouds,
The stalk was shiny green.
He met a mean giant
And stole some of his gold.
He chopped down the beanstalk;
Jack was brave and bold. (Chorus)
(Verse 3 by McCullough School, 2nd Grade)
There was a boy named Stanley
Who went to Camp Green Lake.
He had to dig holes
And he needed a break.
Stanley found some treasure
That was buried in the hole.
His name was on the chest
And inside was some gold. (Chorus)
(Verse 4 by Colwyck School, 2nd Grade, Room 11)
I do not like
To eat green eggs and ham.
I do not want to try them,
I tell you, Sam-I-Am.
I do not like them here,
I do not like them there - Wait!
I tried them and they’re good,
So I’ll eat them anywhere! (Chorus)
(Additional verses:)
There was a pretty princess,
who was named Elizabeth.
A dragon burned her clothes,
with his hot and fiery breath.
She outsmarted the dragon,
wearing just a paper bag.
She rescued the prince,
but he turned out to be a drag.
There was a boy named Eragon,
who found a magic stone.
It turned out to be an egg,
of a dragon, all his own.
He learned to ride the dragon
Saphira was her name.
They had lots of adventures,
and nothing was the same.
(by East Millsboro 1st graders)
The Little Read Hen
had a taste for homemade bread.
She asked her friends to help;
"Not I!" is what they said.
She did the work herself,
and when the bread was done
Her friends came 'round to eat,
but she told them "you get none!"
(by Waring School 1st graders)
There was a Rainbow Fish,
who had some shiny scales.
He didn't want to share
with the fish or with the whales.
He went to the octopus,
who told him he should share.
He made lots of friends,
because he was fair.
(by Waring School 2nd graders)
Once there was a girl
named Little Red Riding Hood.
She met a sneaky wolf
when she was walking through the woods.
The wolf ate up her grandma,
and dressed up in her clothes.
She knew something was strange,
when the wolf poked out his nose.